How to apply

Who can apply?
The Open Workshop’s 4 main target users, which are intentionally mixed together within our facilities, are the following:
·         Pre-graduate young talents (ages 16 to 22) applying to test/develop their skills before applying to an artistic education (portfolios or animation tests, storyboard competitions, etc.).
·         Post-graduate young talents (ages 22 to 28) applying to polish their skills or make a first personal project as new professionals (low budget short films and music videos, show reels, short non-commercial commissioned films, etc.).
·         Professionals (ages 28 and up) applying to take a break from the industry to make a personal project (short films and music videos, development for features or TV shows, graphic novels, books, etc.).
·         Young studios from North- and Mid-Jutland applying for financial support to develop projects before or in connection to applying for development and production support from local, regional and state funds. In certain cases the Open Workshop also hosts part of the production on such projects.

The reason for mixing the first 3 quite different target users is that while all work in the same space together, each resident artist learns from all of the others, whatever their level of experience, and often ends up working with many of them on a multitude of different projects. Also the more experienced residents can earn a little cash by consulting for the younger residents and others film projects around the school.
Furthermore, The Open Workshop’s main target public is young talents from Region Midt around Viborg, however we always welcome certain more confirmed international artists and projects as well, to which we match younger Danish artists in order to create an international environment akin to that of the animation industry, and to plant the seeds of future international and European collaborations and hopefully co-productions.
What types of projects does Open Workshop support?
The Open Workshop is interested in supporting any kind of animation-related project using any media and any format, as long as the stories/concepts and designs are strong.
Since 1998 the Open Workshop has supported such types of projects:
·         Short films
·         Music videos
·         Documentary animation
·         Internet films and games
·         Cross-media properties
·         Art books
·         Graphic novels, including online/interactive
·         Video games
·         Installations, exhibitions
·         Cross-artistic projects/shows/theatre plays/concerts
·         Development on feature films, TV shows, games, cross-media intellectual properties and any of the above types of projects

Application procedure
To apply with a project to the Open Workshop, you must download the application form here, then (please read carefully).
·         Fill it out electronically (in Word preferably, but other text edit programmes will work)
·         Email one electronic copy to the Open Workshop producer Tim Leborgne,
·         Print another 2 copies, sign them and send them to

The Animation Workshop / VIA University College
Open Workshop / Tim Leborgne
Kasernevej 5
8800 Viborg, Denmark
Always keep in mind that the application you send will be the only way for the board to judge your project. If your application is vague, it is most likely that the board will not understand your idea. Be clear, specific and concise – also with practical details such as when you would like to stay at Open Workshop, for how long you would like to stay here for, which technical facilities you need for your projects, how to reach you, etc.
Annexes/additional material
You should include 2 copies of any material you have that will help to describe your project. It can be artwork, scripts, character sheets, storyboards/animatics, references or whatever.
Please also include:
- A short CV and/or a filmography (a list of the films you have made, if any). If you apply as a professional you have to include a full professional CV.
- A production schedule for your project, as detailed as possible
- A budget for your project, also as detailed as possible, as well as a financing plans if that is in place
In order to work on a project in the Open Workshop, you need to sign a contract regarding rights and credits. As can be read in the contract, you will hold all rights to the produced material, but must credit Open Workshop in your material. You need to sign this and send it in together with the application form in order to get your project accepted in Open Workshop.
The Open Workshop welcomes applications all year round.
You will receive an e-mail from the Open Workshop producer when he has received and read your application. In this e-mail you will be told the approximate date of the next project selection board meeting, at which time your application will be reviewed.
In general we aim at dealing with applications within two months’ time.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Application form Open Workshop