torsdag den 22. marts 2012

Wacky Lens

Hi everybody,

We’re Cristina and Marcel and we love creating interactive applications for children. We usually do all the work ourselves, from planning the whole application to actually making it happen :-)

Our most recent project is different then what we’ve done so far (which was mostly games that you would normally put on a website or on a mobile device), we’ve gone one step further and created a whole website which acts like the actual game.

The website, called Wacky Lens, was created around Roy, a funny bird that has a passion for taking wacky pictures. He lives on a small island where his activities include taking pictures, displaying them in his gallery, walking around the island and smiling all day long (he’s very optimistic, you know!) J

We wanted to paint a warm environment and make it as easy as possible for everyone (kids or grownups) to have some plain old fun, just by using different filters to take funny pictures or by looking over what others have posted.

In the same time, we wanted to have a different approach so we created a different kind of a website with a different kind of navigation.

The website looks a bit wacky and can be strange at first but everything’s there for a reason so we invite you to explore this small island, click on everything, have a laugh by looking over Roy’s Gallery, play with the Photo Booth and, if you feel like leaving something for the next guy, don’t be shy and publish some wacky photos of you.

Thanks for reading

Cristina, Marcel and … Roy :-)

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